Few weeks back, an epic battle of Zebra and lion was aired by Discovery London and it created quite a buzz. The association of pet clinics and veterinary doctors in London criticized the crew for not providing medics to animal just to ensure their high viewership.
However, they must understand that it is very easy to pass judgment while sitting in comfortable rooms in London accommodation or luxurious HOTELS IN LONDON. It happened in safari park where it is just a routine. It is nearly to impossible to provide medics in such wilderness.
People who normally manage to get cheap flight tickets and stay in LONDON HOTELS so that they could visit the famous places of London. Especially safari park is the focus of the wildlife lovers and they make maximum out of their trip to London. Though other places do have importance but wildlife lovers prefer only safari park.
This video actually shows the injury suffered by lion and a zebra in their open fight to kill or be killed. Top veterinary doctors admitted that normally they would expect a zebra to be in London pet clinic but here it appears a strange situation.
Though, this exclusive footage draw criticism on crew but the tourists who left their London HOTEL ROOMS for safari park declared it completely unforgettable and marvelous. They admitted that each and every penny they spent on getting cheap flight tickets or London accommodation was paid back through this action packed encounter.
If you are also planning to spend your vacations in this British capital, do make plans for safari park while booking CHEAP FLIGHTS AND HOTEL rooms in London. It is established fact that millions of tourists get visit visa just to feast their eyes with such marvelous scenes.
Few weeks back, Discover channel London aired an amazing battle between two animals. A zebra and lion fought to death and gave an unforgettable scene to the tourists who went out of their LONDON HOTEL rooms and visited safari park. Here we bring you an exclusive footage of that incident.
Though, this footage took viewership of Discovery London to new heights but it also draw criticism on them. People declared that news brutal as the crew did nothing to save life of animals. However, they must consider the fact that it is very easy to sit in luxurious London HOTEL ROOM and comment than to be in action.
One must understand that it happened in wilderness of Safari Park and it was not as easy as to find pet clinic or veterinary doctors in London. Moreover, the tourists who spent thousands of dollars on cheap flight tickets and London HOTEL ROOMS just to watch this scene, declared it totally worth.
This epic battle between Zebra and lion took the whole world by storm as millions of clicks were received on the footage. Reportedly, an instant rise in safari park visitors has been recorded. Importantly, tourists are ready to leave their comfortable London HOTEL ROOMS and get cheap flights to land their to catch this actio
python swallows an entire WILDEBEEST by aakhThuu
Title :
python swallows an entire WILDEBEEST
Description : Few weeks back, an epic battle of Zebra and lion was aired by Discovery London and it created quite a buzz. The association of pet clinics a...
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