Wow. That commercial was so funny, it almost made me pull off the road and run into a pack of ducks waiting to cross the street. Thank goodness there was a stop sign there to prevent my car from running over the innocent quackers.
To some, that situation may evoke a feeling of dread and horror. To others the absurd setting and predicament is down right hilarious. Humor is in the eye of the beholder when it comes to radio commercials. What is funny to some will not be to others. The problem with most commercials designed to be funny is the fact that they are not "funny" at all.
The process often times goes like this.
A professional script writing team comes up with a truly funny concept or theme for a commercial.
It is then translated into a funny radio commercial script.
The script is sent to the business requesting the funny commercial for review and feedback.
The business passes it around to EVERYONE in side the office, close family members, second cousins and someone "Aunt Mary" who made an amazing taco dip for the fourth of July in 1993.
The:30 second script is returned to the radio commercial production company with enough additions to make it last three minutes in length and resembling nothing of its original inception.
The radio commercial production agency informs the client that they can not change laws of physics and needs to "edit the script for time". The new edit is void of any humor because the client wants the 32 points made by staff and teenage daughter in the final commercial.
Ad is approved, recorded and not funny at all.
How does one avoid this from happening to their radio ad?
Keep the circle of "feedback" small and limit it to the target demographic of the people you want to reach in the commercial. So if your message is going after a woman who is 35 and had 3 kids - ONLY pass the message by someone who fits that demo. If it is going after a 42 year old male hunter ONLY pass it by that type of person.
Getting feedback on a funny radio commercial from people who are not intended to find it funny will not be of any value to you. It will only put doubt into your mind as to the humor level of the commercial. Keep the feedback on target and your commercial will be on target.
I Don't Know About You Guys But I'm definitely... by zemtv
Title :
I Don't Know About You Guys But I'm definitely
Description : Wow. That commercial was so funny, it almost made me pull off the road and run into a pack of ducks waiting to cross the street. Thank goodn...
Rating :