This discussion is about the next level crime that is currently rapidly increasing in Pakistan, Yes we are talking about being a fake peer, promising innocent people something then grab their money and run. Fake peer now days are common and spending load of their budget on advertisement.
For first we should learn what is wrong with this fake peer system. Firstly people who believe on real peer are decreasing day by day. This is happening all around the Pakistan. Secondly people are getting looted after many promises of fake peers.
Last but not least, this fake peer system is ultimately decreasing trust level among people of Pakistan. People are getting corrupt because of this then. On the second thought we need to learn how we shall eliminate these kind of elements from our environment.
Firstly government should ban all the fake peer forcing them. Decide to hang them if they have done deadly sins or looted someone, some innocent people. Secondly ban all the advertisement done in the newspaper that can sell in market. Try to ban all the virtual ads that can appear in Pakistan. After doing these two steps we will see lot of difference afterward. However root of this criminal is not going anyway but we can lessen this by educating people. Educating people is the long way process that can be very late if we want to get rid of this dirty world.
Of course our nation is not so educated and they can do anything if you can convince. That is what happening in Pakistan. Fake peers are convincing ladies and gentlemen in a way of achieving something in life that can be impossible for them like getting your lover or getting rich overnight.
This is real headache to law following citizen who want to spend their life happily living in the rules. Because these peer will drag you you to level of idiotness and will kill you with their convincing promises.Watch the video and educate yourself and others by sharing it on Facebook and twitter. Meanwhile like our page on Facebook and follow us on Twitter.
▶ A Peerni Smoking Ciggrettes And Dancin by khabarnamcha
Title :
A Peerni Smoking Ciggrettes And Dancin
Description : This discussion is about the next level crime that is currently rapidly increasing in Pakistan, Yes we are talking about being a fake peer, ...
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