Flying in small airplanes often carries a greater risk than flying in large aircraft, though accidents can occur with either. Sometimes airplane crashes happen low to the ground and can be relatively minor, while high speed crashes or crashes at high altitude may result in serious injury or death. A crash can be emotionally and physically devastating for passengers and crew alike.
Sometimes crashes occur because of equipment malfunction or human error. If you or someone you know has been involved in an airplane crash, a personal injury lawyer can help determine who is legally responsible and can help crash victims and victims' families fight for compensation.
Causes of Aircraft Crashes
There are a number of interfering factors or errors that can cause an airplane to crash, including:
Storm interference. Lightning can interfere with equipment function, and strong winds can blow a plane off course or cause the pilot to lose control of the aircraft.
Equipment malfunction. The readings on equipment may be wrong or the equipment may cease to work altogether.
Improper maintenance. Maintenance workers may fail to catch a worn out part or other faulty equipment, or may improperly install a part.
Pilot error. A pilot may interpret readings incorrectly, miss certain instructions, or otherwise cause the plane to crash.
Control tower error. Air traffic controllers may get aircraft courses wrong or relay incorrect instructions to pilots, which can cause a crash.
Avoiding a Crash or Injury
As a pilot or crew member on a personal aircraft, always check the weather, your equipment, and your course before you depart. If you feel that something is wrong with the aircraft, do not try to fly. Always confirm instructions from the control tower and readings on navigational instruments. If you feel that something is wrong during flight, communicate the problem to the crew and to the control tower and attempt to land the plane as soon as possible.
If you are a passenger, the best thing you can do is stay calm and follow crew instructions. Keeping calm during a crash and listening to directions can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency.
For More Information
For sound legal advice and assistance with an aircraft injury case, please visit the website of experienced Austin aircraft accident attorney Vic Feazell here.
Dunya News-Airplane nearly crashes, taking away... by dunyanews
Title :
Airplane nearly crashes, taking away
Description : Flying in small airplanes often carries a greater risk than flying in large aircraft, though accidents can occur with either. Sometimes airp...
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