RJ Naveed every times present such a scenario which is appreciated by every one who is fan of him and want to listen every type of his tremendous call which he recorded for people to seek and learn lesson from it.
In the audio you will watch and listen that how RJ Naveed make a call to manufacturer ans asked him that I want to buy some material from your as I buy material from there and send it to other countries where it is required by the consumers or suppliers.
And you know that the foreign people prefer to but that thing which is economical and comfortable. So that’s why I decided to buy it from you because your rate seems to be very attracting for me.
The rate which you are offering is not reasonable for me. Because earlier it was decided that the rate would be reasonable and negotiable. But I will not prefer to buy things at the above given rate.
Then manufacturer said that I am agree and you can give price of each article Rs ten less then before decided and finalized price. Then I think it may be suitable for you for buying purpose and as a future reference it may be our good deal and we will join our hands for future buying and selling.
While he was talking with the owner on the telephone, suddenly he shouted and called his son that come here. And right after this he started beating his son that why you are asking and make your mind set that in future I want to become doctor.
I didn’t see anything special on your face seems to be that you are future up coming doctor. Why you set your mindset according to that. The thing is you are now just four years old and lot of time has to come in your way if you want t become doctor.
The owner suddenly called him that what are you doing with your son? He said in response that I am beating him. Then he again asked him that why you are beating your son. He responded that my kid was saying that in future I want to become doctor.
Then the story changed and RJ Naveed realized the owner that I was just beating my child due to this and you was ready to end his or her life. Why you have double standard for your daughter and son?
He said that my son is too small and I am planning that what will be his future when he became young. And I am pressing my baby girl down that why you are planning to become doctor. This is the real story which RJ Naveed wants to realize people.
RJ Naved Let Her Be Murga Made Everyone Cry by ali-baba-technocraft
Title :
RJ Naved Let Her Be Murga Made Everyone Cry
Description : RJ Naveed every times present such a scenario which is appreciated by every one who is fan of him and want to listen every type of his treme...
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