Who knew you could beat your wife, rape your kids and get custody of them while putting your wife in jail. I didn't think that was possible until I started hearing thousands of similar stories in Family Court where that exact thing is happening all over the country. Child sexual abuse is an epidemic and the perpetrators are getting custody of the kids with the help of kangaroo courts.
Those in the movement know about this crisis. But the general public doesn't. So how do you get your story into the media?
Garland Waller spoke at the Battered Mother's Custody Conference about how to get these yucky stories into the media. She calls it: The Yuck Factor: Why the Mainstream Media hasn't covered Family Court Injustice and it certainly is yukky.
This is a crisis and many protective mothers "freak out" in court, send email blasts to lists in ALL CAPS, put long notices up on their Facebook pages, send out press releases with the "crazy story" and all the gory details and all this does is label the woman as nuts. If you flail, scream, and sway the banner of injustice in and around the court and the media it is extremely likely that you will be labeled crazy and nothing will be done and yet another story be silenced and yet another child will continue to be raped.
Garland Waller shared some great tips that you should know in getting your story out there. If you have made the above mistakes before, remember that you're not wrong, you just didn't know the rules.
Think about your story as if you are writing a script. You need a two-minute elevator pitch. I share ways to write over on my site.
Write your story in a 1-4 page treatment like you were pitching it to a producer (the media and Hollywood are very similar). This does not involve coming to conclusions like he's a rapist, he's a jerk, he's an abuser. You are simply telling the story. Let the reporter come to the conclusion. Create a packet of information with you story treatment, a one page summary, copies of medical records, court records and statements from experts and lawyers. Have that packet ready and printed like you would have a press kit. That way you have it when you come across anyone who may be able to help you.
Indian Actress Kangana Ranaut INSULTED & ABUSED... by ali-baba-technocraft
Title :
Indian Actress Kangana Ranaut INSULTED & ABUSED.
Description : Who knew you could beat your wife, rape your kids and get custody of them while putting your wife in jail. I didn't think that was possi...
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