Whenever nature is given some observation, it simply makes the observer go amazed especially when it is about the variety found in it. Some creatures are useful for the existence of mankind whereas others are not. This footage holds the second category in which threatening creature makes you think about importance of air ambulance.
Such threatening creatures become center of attraction for all those who believe in black magic, and other evil practices. In a jungle of philippenia once soldiers of army were sent. On reaching the destination they all were surprised to see a group of giant bats in the jungle which was quite difficult to handle and forced the arrangement of air ambulance.
When the army chief came to know about this news, he first refused to send any air ambulance to evacuate soldiers from jungle. Finding it not a justified reason to provide air aid but when he was shown with the facts and authentic statistics of destruction done by such poisonous creatures he immediately ordered emergency medical flight.
These all creatures though are dangerous, but on looking at the picture from all angles one cannot ignore some specific benefits that can be drawn from such creatures. Despite of the fact that in the past many injuries have taken place, chief of army felt repentant for sending his team without any health insurance but he was happy at the safe comeback of his team through air ambulance.
There was a time when such giant species were only used to be considered a part of imaginary world but later with the advancement and progress in research fields and discoveries of safe and sound clothing for entering in the endangered and threatening areas the existence of such creatures was proved and also the need of first aid through air ambulance became compulsory.
It has been a negative approach that mankind only on contacting with danger starts thinking about prevention and avoids any pre planned precautionary measures because of this, some time he or she has to suffer health problems, such fears and events give rise to the importance of health insurance and to avail the facility of emergency medical flight.
This is first time an army chief had to repent on sending his team of soldiers to a jungle of Philippines where his team had to face giant and poisonous groups of bat that are enough to take life of any human with a single and easy attack. Though there were rumors regarding this specie but on the witness of his team their chief arranged air ambulance for rescue.
All the soldiers were also not having any kind of health insurance which made the chief to react and dispatch air ambulance. It was reported that chief expressed his sorry with the soldiers, his team members assured him that it was not his fault rather the responsibility lies on research departmen
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Description : Whenever nature is given some observation, it simply makes the observer go amazed especially when it is about the variety found in it. Some ...
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