For many people late marriages is not a big issue because of their ignorance towards the medical science. For many people ignorance is a bliss. There are severe consequences of late marriages and today we shed a light upon some of them.
Islam has asked the Muslims to marry their kids when they become young not the rational part in this is that Islam never talked about a certain age group it is left as an open field upon the choice of parents and their kids.
Now comes the medical science which tell us that 20-34 years age group is the best for marriages as in this both the males and females are enriched with fertility and they don’t get any particular problems in conception as well.
After this age group the decline towards the fertility options starts and it happens to both males and females. That myth in subcontinent that males never grew old with their fertility strength is all too wrong and it is time to get rid of such ones.
In females the first issue that comes in late marriages is conceiving. They don’t get pregnant that early and it takes times and multiple attempts. Then onward comes the internal issues of the female body. Once she gets pregnant because of her age group it gets hard for her to carry out her pregnancy.
This is the reason of miscarriages at this particular age. Women often take a lot of stress during pregnancy and in result if they survive the miscarriage the next big problems with abnormal child born with them.
As a whole if we look into this matter it simply proves that marriages should take placed in a certain age group and one should not get late in it.
Go out take a walk and ask people if they know about the complications of late marriages and the effects a late marriage has on the children there will hardly be a hand full of people who would knew about it rest of them will all be blank.
Ignorance is not a bliss those who think need to change their thinking. Islam is the only religion which emphasizes on the Muslim parents to marry their children at a suitable age now Islam didn’t tell the age group and let the people decide about it.
Now medical science has proved it that the best age to get married is between 20 to 34 years for both males and females. Both males and females are at their peak in this age group and the chances to get pregnant with a healthy child are more in numbers in this age group.
After 34 the fertility ration starts getting drop in both males and females and in result the tendency in the females to get pregnant gets low and if she does get pregnant the child normally suffers with mental diseases.
Females need a clean and calm mind during their nine months pregnancy period. Any sign of depression or stress will first harm their pregnancy and it is one of the main reasons of female miscarriages.
After that if she survives the miscarriage then there are strong chances that the child would get a strong effect because of this depression and in result it will be born with depression disorders. This also happens with late marriage cases as well.
Get your career do all the fun but keep in mind the age group and get married in time before it gets too late and you become another bad example of late marriage.
Problems that Couple Face Due To late Marriages by pkvideohub
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Problems that Couple Face Due To late Marriages
Description : For many people late marriages is not a big issue because of their ignorance towards the medical science. For many people ignorance is a bli...
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