Skateboarding can be one of the most fun activities to engage in, and once it grabs you, it can be as absorbing as even the most addictive drugs, but how can I stop getting hurt all the time? Well unfortunately, injuries are just a part of skateboarding and really can't be avoided. But there are things to keep in mind that will keep skateboarding tricks gone wrong to a minimum and the fun to a maximum.
You see, often a skateboard trick goes wrong as a result of fear, and the key to alleviating the amount of falls and injuries is getting control of that fear. While fear in skateboarding is normal, it also holds you back when you fail to keep it under control.
When skateboarding, especially when trying a new trick, you should always remember to take your time. In other words, don't go out and buy your first skateboard and attempt to tre-flip down a flight of twenty stairs as your first trick. Take it slow.
You also can't be afraid to take a few falls. It gets you used to it, and you learn that every little fall is not such a bad thing. Just always remember to tuck and roll. DO NOT try to catch yourself by sticking your hands and arms out. That's how you break your wrists.
Sometimes it also helps to take baby steps toward little mini goals as well. That is, for example, dropping in on a smaller ramp before dropping in on a larger one. Practicing ollies or flip tricks on grass or carpet before attempting them on flat concrete helps too.
Remember in the Karate Kid when Mr. Miagi said,
"Walk left side of street - safe. Walk right side of street - safe. Walk in middle, sooner or later, squash just like grape. Karate same. You karate yes, safe, you karate no, safe. You karate guess so, sooner or later, squash just like grape."
This is also true with skateboarding, meaning you have to commit. This is especially true with dropping in on a ramp. The only way to do it is commit 100% and do it. If you sort of go for it, you are going to eat it for sure. But if you just commit 100% and do it, it's actually pretty easy.
Crazy girls face to face by worldtalk
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Crazy girls face to face
Description : Skateboarding can be one of the most fun activities to engage in, and once it grabs you, it can be as absorbing as even the most addictive d...
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