As any experienced article marketer will tell you, quantity counts almost as much as quality. To get attention on the Web, it's not enough to release a captivating, informative article. The odds of that one article getting picked up or going "viral" are slim; however, you can dramatically increase your chances by distributing more articles.
Many article marketers feel that they lack the time to contribute more content to the various virtual communities. But what if these writers could create their articles in half the time? That's double the chances of hitting viral article marketing gold! The following tips will help you speed up the writing process.
1. Don't underestimate the outline. Outlining is hands down the fastest way to increase your writing speed. Determine in advance the topics you will cover in a specific article, and in what order you will discuss them. This will also keep your article more tightly focused and on point.
2. Do your research before you start writing. Unless you plan to write the article using only information out of your head, you're going to have to do some background research to develop your content. Rather than looking for each topic one by one, copy and paste relevant research directly into your outline in the appropriate area. Find the info you need to make your desired points, paste it into the document and move on.
3. Prepare multiple articles at once. While you are outlining and researching, line out your notes for at least 3 to 4 articles, preferably pertaining to the same or similar subject matter. Completing like tasks at once saves time, effort and energy. Think of yourself as a one-man (or woman) assembly line.
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Description : As any experienced article marketer will tell you, quantity counts almost as much as quality. To get attention on the Web, it's not eno...
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