Bathing with snakes in your toilet specially with king cobras sounds like a movie scene or some kind of a death wish. but here is one such crazy person.
This man adopted these two king cobras when they were very young and he kept them as his pets at home. In return he won their trust and their love which sounds simply impossible.
Snakes are one such kind of animals that you can never trust. You can change the nature of a lion by keeping it in humans but you cant change the nature of snakes.
However, this man has managed to do this and now he is using his big king cobras for showing the stunts. As you can see that he is using them in bathroom while taking bath.
This is not a movie scene but this is a real life scene.
The people in the neighborhood are concerned as the man is keeping the two dangerous snakes in his house for years.
They are always worried about their children who are always excited to look into the man’s house in order to have a look at the snakes.
This excitement can turn into a dangerous accident any time. This is the reason that people are now contacting the law and enforcement authorities to get hands on this perso
This man is either really brave person or he is mentally not OK. He is keeping two dangerous king cobras at home and call them his pets.
This scene surfaced on the social media not so long ago and now it is the talk of the town. International media has also rushed to his house where you can see him showing off his love and trust with the beasts.
He call them his best friends and also claim that these snakes also help him in many house hold works as well. This sounds like a tough job to do but he also keeps them with him while in the bathroom.
People in the area are now worried that they think these snakes might escape from him one day and they will enter their homes.
Man In Bathtub With Cobra Snakes by khabarnamcha
Title :
Man In Bathtub With Cobra Snakes
Description : Bathing with snakes in your toilet specially with king cobras sounds like a movie scene or some kind of a death wish. but here is one such c...
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