A woman of young age, while traveling in the central tube train in London, proved the phenomena that women are less intelligent and creative then the men wrong. She had met an interesting man when she came aboard on the London central tube train.
He was an attractive young man in his mid twenties while the lady was also of the same age. She was sitting opposite to the man. Their eye met suddenly once the train started moving and their contest begun.
It was an unannounced and natural behavior by both when their actions started from their eyes and their hands came into action and later their whole body was the part of funny and interesting little acrobat.
The man was trying his best to perform the difficult steps and the woman was equally matching and following him on each step. She did not leave an inch behind him in accuracy, perfection and beauty of the act performance. Every step was full of action and use of intelligence by both of them.
Soon the man realized that she is as good as he himself was. It was not possible for him to beat her. The contest ended equally with a nice smile on both of their hands. All the passengers aboard in the London tube train with them started clapping for both and them and gave them a great respect.
By winning or ending equally in the contest, the woman had proved that men are not superior but both are equal and can do anything. Both of them shook their hands in the end and got off the London train at their respective stations in friendly manner.
A young women traveling in the London Tube challenged a young man and proved that women are as creative and professional as men are. Their funny little challenge was witness and observed by many people traveling in the London train. A young woman came aboard at station. She was seated into a compartment with many others were already a young man was sitting in her opposite side.
The lady in London train proved her in every occupation equal to men. They have performed so many interesting, difficult jobs that can easily prove them equal to their opposite gender. Women living in the western world specially have achieved remarkable milestones, which were considered impossible for men also from anywhere.
They go extra mile to prove their abilities equal to men. It was a very funny and interesting competition started between the two when their eyes met with each other. The young man started doing different things, started making different shapes using his face expressions, his hands and legs in London train.
The young girl also started copying him in the same manner and that the contest begun between them. The young man was trying to make things difficult for her to follow but she met him gradually and matched his skills at equal.
Other passengers present in the London train with them praised the abilities of both to perform all those acrobats and especially the perfection of the woman to copy every step. She proved yet once again that women are as good as men are and they can do any job that men can do.
Young Lady Copying Man in Train by kingofchohans
Title :
Young Lady Copying Man in Train
Description : A woman of young age, while traveling in the central tube train in London, proved the phenomena that women are less intelligent and creative...
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