It appears that the challenges of the proliferation of nuclear weapons will not be going away during this decade. As the talks have stalled between the United States and Russia to limit their nuclear arsenals, we see we are still challenged around the world by nations like Iran, Venezuela, and North Korea. There are still doubts as if there are problems in Syria, and the biggest fear of all being nuclear weapons getting the hands of proxy terrorist groups such as Al Qaeda.
In fact, there was a very interesting article in the Wall Street Journal on this in the editorial section on November 23, 2010 - titled "An Act of Extortion" basically explained that the reason North Korea attacked the small South Korean island prior to treaty negotiations, was to show they meant business, even though the North Korean regime is in the middle of transition. Apparently, the thinking by North Korea is that they can use this attack to show the consequences of what will happen to the South Koreans if their demands are not met.
Interestingly enough, this attack comes just after the South Korean-US wargames. Now China has been asked to step in and help with the situation, but China refuses to saying it does not wish to cause any more tensions on that northeastern border with North Korea. The United States has told South Korea that it could in fact bring back tactical nuclear weapons to protect the South Koreans from future attacks, such as a rocket barrage in Soule, South Korea.
More commentary in the Wall Street Journal came in another opinion article on November 24, 2010 by Michael J Green and William Tobey in an article titled "Why We're Always Fooled by North Korea" and it explains how a nuclear scientist from Los Alamos national labs explained that North Korea is ramping up its uranium enrichment process with a new rather modernized centrifuge plant.
Now then, it would seem to me that if North Korea continues these attacks, and is creating nuclear weapons, to use and to sell to other nations, which they have said is their plan, then the United States and the rest of the free world as a real problem on their hands with this rogue nation state proliferating nuclear weapons around the world.
And believe me there are plenty of buyers for such weapons, including terrorist organizations, the Iranians, Syrians, the Libyans, the Algerians, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Brazil, and really I'm just naming a few off the top of my head of those nations which have already put forth a desire for such weapons. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this.
A nuclear scientist explains the potential... by aljazeeraenglish
Title :
A nuclear scientist explains the potential.
Description : It appears that the challenges of the proliferation of nuclear weapons will not be going away during this decade. As the talks have stalled ...
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